
Keeps Rollin

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Wright State University was my last hope. When you are an athlete and looking for a college, everyone wants to be going to a division 1 and for sports. Why was Wright State my last hope though? Simply because my GPA in high school was too low to go anywhere else. There are several schools I would of chose over Wright state but my GPA could not support me. I also chose Wright State University because I needed to get away from my home and mature, learn how to take care of myself. Now I am hundreds of miles away learning how to be responsible, getting a great education, and playing the sport that I love the  most.


1 comment:

  1. well, wsu is a great college. but now that you realize the importance of a GPA, do your best while you are there! as you said in this blog, you have to learn to be responsible. discipline yourself to study and do homework. this is a great atmosphere, but no one is going to hold your hand.
